Thursday, April 16, 2009


dead dy...
for the 1st time i feel so blank ....
altho i study n memorize the similar question
very well.......

ah meh oi loh...
b4 go in
i stil very confident and can read out
how the equation work~
how the question shud b solve with~

then go in exam room
all formula in my head juz leak out...

duno wat happen
juz pray i stil can pass and get a B ba....
lets juz cross the finger n start praying....

i think is time to go on with my account
muz at least get a good grade juz to maintain
my cgpa ....

gud lucks to
public speakin fren
art fren
account fren (me oso got)
cal 3 fren
i noe is really tough for cal 3

gud luck!

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