Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hmmm , i think this blog has dead
sorry that my english still noob

Well, i "moved" to united state..

it a cool country,
but uni life is definitely stressful
everyweek test...

and i couldnt score well in every test..
this is hurting me badly....
when will this situation turns betta??

sorry bout complaining..
but where are my fren that say wil keep in contact with me always?
i very stress now wey!!!!!

guan yin ma bo bi me a!
help me correct my negative thoughts
and my negative result....

i nid a sign.
a gud sign to revitalize my motivation..
my current situation is really not helping at alll

BUT.. besides uni life....
is really fun to stay here..
i get to watch live football match for the 1st time in my life
it wasnt a very gud game.
but still is something to be happy bout!

I think i wil have to b more tough to sort everything out!
juz dun give me too much of setback...
i had enuf setback right now!

in conclusion...?

HAHAHHA laugh out loud for ur life..
smile or sad stil have to face it...
so i wil try to face everything with a smile..


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